*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Thursday 13 July 2017

Live well with less and need less.

Hello Dear Friends and Followers.

I am pleased to say that we are back on the level, our listing seems to have been sorted out with the letting down of more water. It is a joy not to be running up hill anymore. Of course we have no idea how long this will last, but for now we will enjoy it.

I was thinking about this subject this morning and so I am going with it. For anyone who lives on a boat you will know only too well, that you cannot gather a lot of clutter, so when new people come into my life, I kind of feel I have to educate them, because they know nothing about how we live or manage on a boat, with so little space. People are clearly shocked at how little space we have and by how much we need. I always say "well it is just us, a cat and a dog".They are surprised that we do not have a bath, we have a shower, that we do not have a wardrobe, we have a draw and cupboard each. Equally they are surprised we have a washing machine, allbeit a small one and that we have a fridge/freezer. Because this boat is our one and only home, we felt we needed those things mainly for our mature years. We do not scrimp on anything, but we are careful with what we spend and on what we buy. There is only one and half food cupboards, so we do not splash out on lots of unwanted food, which will never get eaten. I make a list each week for shopping and the OH goes off and buys it using his bus pass, we used to have a tesco delivery, but that has stopped unless there is little choice.  When we moved onto the boats, we explicitly told people not to buy us gifts, because we do not have the room for things we may never wear or use. We were not being unkind, we just hate waste and lots of clutter. I have a policy if it is not worn or used within six months then it finds a new home. We do not even buy gifts for our Birthdays and Christmas, because if we want or need something we will just go and buy it. Instead we will treat ourselves to a meal out.

We both enjoy wanting less material things in our life. I remember the clutter we had in the house and how much of it we got rid of when we sold up. It was so liberating to get rid of it all and the Charity Shop was more than happy to take it all. I would never force anyone to live our way of life, because if you are happy living your way then don’t worry what anyone else thinks. I love my way of life and it suits us both, but I know there are people out there who would never manage. We buy most of our clothes and other items from Charity Shops. I am of the opinion that there is no point in buy expensive clothing, to work locks in. I will however buy good footwear, because this is essential when you spend a day walking the locks. People are surprised that we do not have a house, but that is our choice. We plan to live aboard for as long as our health or age allows and if the plans works we will both be carried away from our boat in our boxes.

Todays world is such a throw away world and neither of us wants to take part in that, so I will find another use for things when they have finished their life or I will pass them onto someone else, who will find a use for them. I am hardly ever wasteful with food. This is mainly due to the fact I pay little or no attention to sell buy or use by dates. If it looks ok, smell ok and taste ok, then it will be eaten. I think we could all do with looking at what we use, spend or need and I choose to live well with less and need less.

What can you NOT live without?
What have you given up?

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